At National Pool Service, we repair and replace all pool pumps. We carry and install several top-of-the-line pumps such as the Pentair WhisperFlo, the Sta-Rite Max-E-Pro, and the Hayward Super II as well as the “energy efficient” Hayward EcoStar and Pentair Intelliflo Pump.
- A pump can be referred to as the heart of your circulatory system. Your pool pump pulls water from one or more suction ports, such as the skimmer and the main drain, pushes it through the filter and heater, and then pushes it back to the pool’s return fittings. Pumps differ slightly in hydraulics, shape, baskets, and lids.
- Normal in-ground pools ranging between 10,000 and 20,000 gallons can use a medium head pump like a Super Pump. Larger pools could use a high head pump, such as the Super II and Sta-Rite pumps. Pool and spa combos may be able to handle the WhisperFlo Pump, just remember to match the horsepower, pump type, and flow rate. A pump that is too powerful could prevent filtration while damaging the filter and heater. It could also blow out your pools pipes or fittings. Bigger is not always better! Keep in mind that any changes to a pump will also mean matching the main drain grate.
Call us at 561-585-8866, contact us, or visit us to talk to a Pool Pump Expert.